Why Choose Us

At Amerity Financial our clients have entrusted us to protect and help grow their retirement savings. Our old school philosophy is a conservative one. We believe it's better to "grow it and keep it" than to risk losing what you have worked a lifetime for.

Will the assets you've accumulated last through your retirement? We provide leading solutions to guarantee safety, growth and income. Because people are living longer healthier lives it's time to reevaluate the longevity of your financial independence.

Amerity Financial Retirement Solutions are customized individual retirement plans based on individual needs. The foundation for Amerity Financial Retirement Solutions is the security it provides.  It wouldn’t make sense to build your home without a sound foundation and the same holds true for your retirement.


Let's create your retirement strategy together.


Safety ALWAYS matters most - and it's the first consideration in ANYTHING we do. As a matter of fact, just because the market has UPS & DOWNS doesn't mean your retirement has to.


It's not to much to expect a competitive return on your investments. We believe you should "grow it, and keep it" as opposed to risking your hard-earned retirement in the market and facing potential losses when you need your money the most.


Access to you funds so you can meet ALL of your financial obligations is exactly what planning is designed for. Income takes it a step further to give you peace of mind knowing you will have enough to meet and exceed those financial obligations.

What is Indexed Universal Life (IUL)?